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Set New Year’s Goals, Not Resolutions

Posted in Blog, News  
Monday, December 31, 2018

With Christmas now behind us and 2018 coming to a close, it’s time for us to focus on making 2019 our best year yet. Traditionally this is the time of year when we develop New Year’s resolutions which far too often turn into a list of “things I hope to do this year.”


That’s why it’s important to set New Year’s goals, not resolutions. Consider using the S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting framework as it helps you think through what you want and how you’ll achieve success. Here’s what S.M.A.R.T. stands for and what each piece pertains to:


S = Specific

This is the what and why for your overall goal. It should be specific and intentionally limited in scope so you have something you can target and focus your attention on.


M = Measurable

If your goals aren’t measurable, how will you know what you’re shooting for and the overall progress you’ve made? Being able to measure your efforts makes tracking and completing your goals that much sweeter.


A = Attainable

You can be ambitious with your goals, but to keep on pace, set incremental goals to work through what it’ll take to accomplish your larger goal. Large goals may look impossible until you break them down into bite size pieces you can achieve incrementally.


R = Realistic

Along with being attainable, your goals should also be realistic. Setting your sights too high sets yourself up for failure and discouragement, where as setting your sights too low makes things too easy. Find that good middle ground that is just out of your reach yet not too far to be unrealistic.


T = Timely

Setting a time limit for yourself is key when setting goals as it forces you to work with a sense of urgency and helps you know your due dates for achieving your goals. If there’s no end date, you may let things go indefinitely and never achieve your desired goal.


To recap, setting yourself up for success in 2019 is as easy as setting S.M.A.R.T. goals instead of traditional resolutions. See this resource for more on this goal setting framework, strategy, and criteria. And while we’re on the subject, another smart thing to do in 2019 is to check out NTB Trucking’s available employment opportunities in Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio via