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3 Tips for Drivers: Staying on Top of New Year’s Resolutions

Posted in Blog  
Monday, January 23, 2017

We’re 3 weeks into 2017. Since it takes at least 21 days to create a habit, this week is crucial! Whether you’re trying to eat better, save money, simplify your life, go on more adventures, or reconnect with family members, here are some tips to keep you on track this week and beyond:

1. Write down your goals. People who write down their goals are more likely to succeed. If you haven’t yet, be sure to write down your goals for 2017. Better yet, keep that sticky note visible—place it on the dashboard of your truck or keep it in your wallet.

2. Break them into smaller pieces. While you’re keeping the end goal in mind, try biting off smaller chunks at a time. If you’re saving money, start by a) opening a savings account if you don’t have one and b) transferring $25. If you’re trying to eat better, start with your next meal and take it one meal at a time. To go on more adventures, start with a 10 minute walk down the road. Smaller tasks are often pretty simple to achieve and help to give you the sense of accomplishment and confidence to avoid getting discouraged—and to keep you on track.

3. Talk about it. Start a workout class, join a Facebook group, or tell your spouse about your goals and your smaller accomplishments. Sharing your achievements and struggles with those around you will make them much more enjoyable and less intimidating.

What are some of your resolutions for 2017? What tips have worked to keep you on track so far or in years prior?