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Driver Interview - Chris Maris on NTB, New Year’s Resolutions, and Tips for New Drivers

Posted in Blog  
Monday, January 9, 2017

Chris Maris, father of 3, is based out of Lansing, MI and has been driving with NTB for about 15 months. Find out what he thinks of the gig, hear his tips for new drivers, and find out what his New Year’s Resolution is for 2017.

What is your favorite part of the job?

"After a year, you know the ins and outs; you realize the things you like and the things you don’t like. At this point, I honestly have no complaints. I like everything about the job and about NTB. They do a great job of supporting the drivers. I am thoroughly happy with NTB."

What do you think of the pay package structure?

"I’m honestly happy with it. Sure, there are always going to be better paying jobs out there, but you’re going to give away a lot more of your time at home in order to get that pay. As a father of three, my time at home, along with other aspects of NTB, I’m very happy with it. When you look at the complete package, including the base pay, time home, benefits, the interaction with dispatch and the rest of the team, NTB is truly great."

What is your New Year’s Resolution this year?

"I’m big on health and fitness and spending quality time with my kids when I’m home.  My resolution is just to continue those while also working on my strengths and weaknesses, both on the job and everywhere else."  

Any tips for new drivers?

"I have had a lot of success throughout many different types of jobs, and I like to listen to the older guys and gals that have been down that road before. They’re gonna set you up for success, and I like to use that to my advantage. When I started at NTB, I had 2 great trainers with a ton of knowledge and experience under their belt, which has helped so much to make it an easy transition."