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Truck Driver Awarded For 25 Years of Accident-Free Driving

Posted in Blog, News  
Monday, May 8, 2017

Recently, there was news of a Indiana UPS truck driver who just hit 25 years of accident-free driving. This story inspired us here at NTB, as we pride ourselves on driver safety as well.

John “Randy” Fuller has been working as a truck driver since his freshman year of college in 1983.  In the last 25 years, he said that he has driven around 780,000 miles. To give you some context, that is equal to driving around the Earth about 31 times.

Fuller completed all of these miles without a single accident, not even a scratch or fender bender.  He shared with reporters that he learned everything he knows about driving from his dad. At 10 years old, his dad taught him the rules of the road, as he showed him how to drive their family pick up truck.

Within Fuller’s first few years on the job, he got into a minor mishap that hardly caused any damage, but it acted as a wakeup call for him. He drives for his family, and although nothing happened, he knew he had to be more careful.  

Ever since then, he has been accident-free. He even received an award for all of his years of safe driving and is now inducted into the company’s Circle of Honor.

Fuller shared his top safety tips, saying that he owes his safe driving to his ability of separating himself from everything while on the road. Regardless of his mood that day, he explains the key to safe driving is being able to leave the bad thoughts at home, and focus on getting to your destination in a safe, efficient manner.

Share with us some of your driving stories while working at NTB!