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New Years Resolutions for Truck Drivers

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Monday, December 29, 2014

Looking back on a productive year and looking forward to welcoming 2015, most of us think about resolving to do something. A lot of people don’t make New Years resolutions because the goals are usually abandoned quickly, but if you are determined to make a change for the better (even if it’s something small) there are ways to change your lifestyle even out on the road where tools and resources can be hard to come by.

Here are some of the most common resolutions and how to be successful with them as a truck driver.

  1. Lose Weight. It is common for drivers to be overweight because it can be hard to eat well and exercise with our busy schedules and lack of healthy, convenient food and exercise options. If you put your mind to it, there are ways that it can be accomplished. Talk to you doctor and consider some small things, like logging what you eat with a smartphone app (LoseIt and My Fitness Pal are two common free apps that can help), and check out bodyweight exercises that you can do anywhere you can stand! Check out sources like the 5 Best Bodyweight Exercises.
  2. Volunteer. Volunteering and serving your community is a great resolution! Whether it’s volunteering through your church or helping out with some physical labor for something like Habitat for Humanity, helping others has many benefits. Since free time is limited and it’s not really possible to volunteer on the road, double up on family time and volunteer as a family on one of your off days. You can spend an hour or two at a food pantry, participate in a clean-up, or offer to do a couple odd jobs for someone in your neighborhood who needs a hand. It helps your community and makes you feel good!
  3. Quit smoking. Truck drivers are known for having a smoking rate about double that of the general population, but it’s no secret that quitting can be very difficult. The best advice is to talk to your doctor. There are ways that your physician can help you get on the road to quitting, and you’ll never regret giving up the habit!
  4. Get a better education. Did you know NTB offers tuition reimbursement for qualified student drivers? Drivers may earn as much as $4,000.00 in tuition reimbursement. Plus, there are online sources for free college classes that you can take virtually, meaning downtime while on the road can be spent reading and studying topics that interest you. Check out Coursera for free courses, or talk to Driver Relations if you have questions!
  5. Save money. The easiest way to save money on the road is to spend less on food. It can get expensive to eat out for every meal. You have to be committed to planning ahead if you want to have healthy and inexpensive foods available for you (along with committing to using your fridge or cooler). Even if you only bring a day or two of food with you after leaving home, the savings are still there. And think of easy things, like using an electric pot to make your own coffee, or just bring your own beverages on the road with you and save the $1-$2 per meal that you’d spend on a drink at a restaurant. Better yet, drink water! With a reusable bottle, it’s free.

We hope everyone has had a great year, and we are looking forward to bringing NTB full speed into 2015. We’ve been blessed in many ways, and we’re grateful to everyone at NTB for the jobs you all do! Happy New Year!